Bouquet of Love & Cuteness is an amazing arrangement of pink roses bouquet, a teddy bear, and a Ferrero rocher box for your dear ones. Delivery of Birthday Bouquet from the UK, US, and Australia in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Karachi.
Bouquet of Love & Cuteness Includes:
- 16 pc Ferrero Rochers
- 10 Imported Roses (Pink/ Red/ White) depending on the availability
- Small Teddy Bear (any color)
- Combo Anniversary, Valentine’s Day & Birthday deals in Pakistan.
The team members of have crafted this masterpiece. We skillfully arranged the flowers to create a sense of effortless movement as if they were just gathered from a blooming meadow.
If any flower or item is not available, we’ll add a substitute as per our replacement policy*
offers same-day delivery in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi, Pakistan. T&C apply.